In the Aizawl North-I Vidhan Sabha seat in Mizoram, the Zoram People’s Movement secured a notable victory in the recent elections. The electoral contest featured key candidates, including Vanlalhlana from Zoram People’s Movement, R.Lalzirliana from Mizo National Front, and Lalnunmawia Chuaungo from the Indian National Congress. Vanlalhlana emerged as the clear winner, securing a substantial lead of 10,772 votes in the vote counting process, while R.Lalzirliana and Lalnunmawia Chuaungo garnered 5,287 and 4,423 votes, respectively.
Aizawl North-I assembly constituency election results 2023: Vanlalhlana of Zoram People’s Movement defeats MNF’s R.Lalzirliana and Congress’s Lalnunmawia Chuaungo
December 04, 2023